Travelling is more fun now!
Coming soon...Let's help you enjoy your trip. Use Tripedia to plan your trip and acess to discount vouchers which help you save money.
Why to use Tripedia
While you are enjoying your trip, Tripedia keeps track of your activities. So you don't need to recall what, where and when.
Access fun statistics that summarise all your trips including countries, cities and continents.
Access to the discounts that we offer you through our partners. That is the best way to save money. In future releases, we are planning to introduce budget tracking for your trips.
After you've chosen your trip destination, click on the plus button to create a trip. We've made it easier for you to plan your trip activities for each day. This way, you'll have an overview of the activities you've planned for each day.
If you have turned the notification feature on, you will get reminders about your trip activities.
We have made it easier for you to manage your itinerary even in an offline mode. Some features might not be available without internet connection, however you will most of the features available without any internet connection.
Right below this page you can contact us. We will get back to you in less than 2 working days.
So far, you will be available to add accommodations and flights to your trip. In coming versions, we are going to have several means of transportation that you could add to your trip.
Tripedia is available in English at the moment. In near future, we will introduce more languages.
Tripedia has taken all the measures to protect your data. Your data is our the first and foremost priority.